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internationally renowned artist, represented by Messums, David Andrew received enormous encouragement from the august Ben Nicholson during his lifetime. He was born in Redruth, and initially trained at the Falmouth School of Art and later at the Slade in London in 1958/59. During this period, he drew inspiration from artists like Ben Nicholson and Piet Mondrian and delved into the psychology of perception.

He had his own personal connection with Nicholson; although Nicholson was not associated with Falmouth School of Art but, he became David's most important mentor, mainly during his fourth year at Falmouth, and his first year at the Slade. This good fortune came about when he sent Nicholson a copy of an essay which he had entered for a competition on 20th Century Painting, - in which David had referred to Nicholson. Ben invited David to his house, and with the brio of youth, he asked if he might bring a painting of his own along to show him. Nicholson, once shown David's work, talked obliquely around painting, making associations with expressive hand movements, influencing him more by enthusiasm for the “feeling” he valued in paintings, than by any facts or theories attaching to them. David found Nicolson’s energy and enthusiasm were as inspiring as his paintings, which stayed with him over the course of his lifetime.

From time to time, Nicholson would drop David a card out of the blue, inviting him to come and see what he had been doing. He always asked for David's comments. He was never dismissive, whatever thoughts David happened to express about what he, Nicholson, was doing. He reciprocated with critical feedback on the paintings that David had lugged along with him on his motorbike.

Following his student years, David taught at Bournemouth and Portsmouth Colleges of Art while spending summers painting in the vibrant Mediterranean light and along the coasts of the USA and Canada, using a converted recreational vehicle as a mobile studio. In 1971, he assumed a teaching position at Queen's University in Canada, where he served as Associate Professor until 1995.

In 2004, David Andrew returned to Cornwall, where he continued his artistic pursuits in Mousehole.